Today I am the best I have ever been - Marta's Story
“I had been severely addicted to meth for 13 years. I was referred to St. Monica’s by a friend who had also completed the program and was sure it could work for me as well. I had tried getting clean twice before, with no luck. It wasn’t until my youngest daughter was removed from my care that I was fully ready. I knew the road to recovery was not going to be easy, but I was prepared to do what I needed to do in order to get my little girl back with me. St. Monica’s helped me do that. I was able to build a solid foundation, something I had never had before.
“I will never forget when my daughter was finally placed back in my custody. I remember feeling very excited and very afraid at the same time. Had I not been living at St. Monica’s Project Mother & Child when the transition happened, I’m not sure how successful we would have been. Being in such a safe environment, having positive people all around us to help, made all the difference.
“Today I am two years sober and the best I have ever been. I’m working two jobs and am attending Southeast Community College to get my degree in human services. I aspire to help women just like me better themselves and build healthy relationships with their children. I am married to a wonderful man. Not a day goes by that I don’t remember my time at St. Monica’s. It has made me who I am today. I will never let my past define me again.”